Effort: A Non-Negotiable Commitment

Here is a thought, a quote, and a piece of training to consider this weekend.



Effort isn’t a choice.

Effort is downstream from the level of importance you’ve given the task before you’ve even begun.

You don’t get to choose the level of effort you give to the task.

You do get to choose the level of importance you bring to the task.

And the level of importance you bring determines what effort is made available to you.

Decide the level of importance.

The level of effort will follow.


“The task must be made difficult, for only the difficult inspires the noble-hearted.” - Soren Kierkegaard


5 rounds for time:

7 Power Snatch @ 105/155 pounds

7 Kipping Handstand Push Ups

14 Alternating Pistols


Sub 8 minutes - good

Sub 7 minutes - great

Sub 6:30 minutes - elite

This is a classic mixed test that challenges non-complementary muscle endurance: all movements involve hip extension, thus they all play a part in fatiguing each other.

While the total volume is on the lower end relative to functional volume, this test is more about can the athlete express it with speed and efficiency?

Sometimes you want to give an athlete a piece of work that is long and arduous to see how well they can manage the grind. Other times you need to see if they can bring speed with great efficiency to a test that will challenge one’s ability to be fast. A similar test to the one above was the 2022 CrossFit Quarterfinal Event 2:

3 rounds for time:

30 Alternating Pistols


10 Ring Muscle Ups

The total volume of this test was not a lot for the caliber of athlete at the top in the field. What separated the elite from the rest was the “speed” at which they could perform this amount of work. As you ascend in your ability, your intention will need to shift towards, “how fast can I perform this work”? Until then, keep working on building efficiency, volume, and consistency. Ease always precedes speed.

The Crafting Fitness Podcast

Episode 14: 2023 Wodapalooza Event Review

Hey guys, welcome back to Crafting Fitness!

On today’s episode, Mike and I review the events from Wodapalooza.

This is one of the premier CrossFit events that took place from January 12-15th of 2023. I had one athlete compete in the elite male team division and one athlete in the upper adaptive division who ended up winning. Congrats to Casey.

In this episode we go over:

●      All 9 events

●      The breakdown of the events and their characteristics

●      Our thoughts on each event

●      And pieces we would potentially change if we were designing the events

If you have questions or topics you’d like for us to discuss on future episodes, feel free to respond to this email with that topic or email me directly: sam@OPEX RC.coach

Click here to give it a listen.

Please help us out by rating and sharing a review on the podcast app. Thanks!


Coach Sam Smith


Intention's Significance: Unlocking Success


Reassurance's Futility: Insights