Actions Speak Volumes: What's Yours?

Here is a thought, a quote, and a piece of training to consider this weekend.



You don’t move a muscle without a motive.

Look at your motives to better understand your actions.

Psychology drives physiology.


“The truth is generally seen, rarely heard.”

-Baltasar Gracián


Extended Sets:

Learning how to extend out your power

2 sets @ 85-90%:

45 sec Row Calories

45 sec Bar Facing Burpees

90 sec rest

45 sec Shuttle Run

45 sec Alt Pistols

90 sec rest

45 sec AB Calories

45 sec Double Unders

90 sec rest


5 min rest


2 sets @ 85-90%:

45 sec Row Calories

45 sec Bar Muscle Ups

90 sec rest

45 sec Shuttle Run

45 sec Power Clean to Overhead @ 105/155 - singles

90 sec rest

45 sec AB Calories

45 sec Box Jump Over @ 20/24”

90 sec rest

The progression I’m using with this tool is starting with 60 second intervals and extending it out over 4-5 weeks. For example:

Week 1 - 60 sec on, 60 sec off

Week 2 - 90 sec on, 90 sec off

Week 3 - 120 sec on, 120 sec off

Week 4 - 180 sec on, 180 sec off

Week 5 - 240 sec on, 240 sec off

The total volume and length of the progression will depend on the person, goals, and current capabilities. As a general rule, I aim to give people at least 15 minutes worth of work and up to 30-40 minutes worth of work in some cases with these intervals.

The goal here is to teach people how to work at higher, consistent rates for extended periods of time. This provides value with building confidence, muscle endurance, and movement speed. As you can imagine, the usage of this tool will require a respectable level of ability, self-awareness, and capacity to execute appropriately.

The Crafting Fitness Podcast

Episode 18: Pacing vs. Full Effort...which is better?

Hey guys, welcome back to Crafting Fitness!

Today I discuss the differences between pacing and full effort.

I recently listened to an episode of the Varied Not Random podcast with Adrian Bozman and Pat Sherwood where they answered a listener Q & A regarding which is better, pacing or going full-send with your workouts.

I wanted to add my thoughts to this discussion with the hope of providing an alternative way of looking at effort and training.

I broke this episode up into 4 parts:

1st - Defining the terms to be discussed and identifying what the underlying goals are

2nd - Designing appropriate training and how that plays a role in this discussion

3rd - The moderation between high-intensity and sustainability

4th - Reasons for Pacing and Full Effort

If you have questions or thoughts you’d like to share with me on the topic, feel free to send me an email: sam@OPEX

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Coach Sam Smith

P.S. Not yet a OPEX RC client. Get all the info on both our Individual Design and Programs offerings here.


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